jumping ballerinas

jumping ballerinas
how could you not love them?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

no cartwheels to check for broken arms...

The day before school started back after Christmas break, Ellie was playing a rousing game of Refrigerator (a cross between Freeze Tag and Red Rover) at Eastwood when Tatum accidentally pushed her down.  Being the tiny bit of a drama queen that our sweet Ellie is, we didn't know how bad she was hurt.  The next morning she was still in pain so we were off to Mid City.  And what do you know, my sweet baby had what Dr. Hobson called a buckle fracture.  We've got a month in an ace bandage/splint with no p.e. or 'nastics.  Luckily we didn't make her turn a cartwheel just to see if it was really broken.  =)  I love these twins. 

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