jumping ballerinas

jumping ballerinas
how could you not love them?

Monday, January 31, 2011

CT Results

Madie had a CT scan Thursday morning. 

and when I met Dr. Rice Thursday afternoon he said that it looked like she might be missing a half of a turn of her cochleas but that he would wait for the neurological radiologist to be sure -- he would call me Friday. Long story short, my phone died (as in I had to get a new one, not because of a low battery) Friday afternoon. And of course he called while it was non-functioning. He left a voicemail saying that the radiologist said "there was nothing to be concerned about." I'm assuming this means she was not missing part of her cochleas. Of course he was out of the office today.

He wants to run some blood work to rule out some common syndromes. Less to have an effect on how we manage her loss, but more to give us a heads up for other potential problems. Two of the more common syndromes have renal or thyroid problems.

He also wants her to start the process of being admitted to Children's Hospital in Little Rock. Not because he thinks she needs services right now, but so that if she does need them in the future we'll already have a relationship established with the clinic.

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