jumping ballerinas

jumping ballerinas
how could you not love them?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things I want to remember:

Ellie: Madie, they're probably going to pronounce the student of the month today.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Painted Horses

Today we painted horses

Madie's horse is named Heer-y-en (?)

Ellie's is named Sparkle

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Madie's Christmas Party

Mrs. Lowery decided to order Sonic kids meals for all of her chickens and then they all decorated cupcakes.  Their book exchange was "hot potato" exhange.  The kiddos L.O.V.E.D. it.  Madie got a Fancy Nancy book.

Ellie's Christmas Party

Mrs. Bockhaus had a breakfast themed party and did a "right/left" book exchange.  Sweet Ellie ended up with Pinkalicious.  =) I got to meet Shaye Shaye's mom and Brianna's mom for the first time.

Aunt KK and Cousin Cass

One of the worst things about living up here is being so far away from the Brumfield part of the family. We were lucky enough to have Aunt KK an cousin Cass come spend the better part of the past week with us. They arrived late Monday night and left Thursday night. And even though Cass says we did "nothing" it was a pretty adventuresome week. Thursday alone involved a trip to Build a Bear, a trolley ride and a carousel ride -or- according to Madie, we went to a bears house, rode a train and rode a horse.